"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Monday, July 26, 2010


Consciously we are aware of what to do or what we want to do with our lives but on what magnitude? The conscious mind is responsible for logic and reasoning. It includes our awareness processing our thoughts and how we speak and express ourselves rationally. The conscious mind includes our perceptions, memories and also includes our five senses. The subconscious mind is the filing cabinet to all our past beliefs and memories; the unconscious mind. It’s all the automatic involuntary functions like breathing and heart rate. Changing your beliefs, feelings and emotions can be rewired or reprogrammed to the subconscious mind. Just think the conscious mind is the controlling mechanism that teaches the subconscious mind through awareness allowing things to automatically function.

These two mind functions, which work hand and hand, are a wonderful gift, but we are unaware of how special a gift they both are. If we don’t know how to use them how can we be aware of our pure potentiality? How can we change our lives towards endless possibilities? Many aren’t aware of how both work together or maybe never thought of it until now. If you’re not already aware of how it works; the nuts and bolts of it all, take time and read further blogs. If you are aware or somewhat aware of these functions this will enhance your awareness to a whole new level. So how do both functions of the mind work together?

Well if you are consciously aware of the things you are doing or want to do in controlling your thoughts then can’t you change your negative beliefs and unwanted emotions? Shouldn't one be at peace and live their lives positively and to the fullest? Absolutely, all the answers lie from within our internal mind through ones internal self-talking. All you need is to be led correctly and have the willingness to practice rewiring the old trash talk you have filled your subconscious mind up since childhood.

This blog will continue in Part III

Sunday, July 18, 2010


As an infant we are born with an amazing brain, the most complex organ known to man. As we mature, grow and develop so does our brain. Through this development, our mind, the higher function of the brain begins programming waves of information and pictures, storing it in our memory compartment of our subconscious mind at rapid speed. These forms of information and pictures that we have observed over time are through our five senses and mainly through our video camera; our eyes, creating our beliefs from our environment, love ones, family, friends, teachers, peers, bosses and many other outside influences. These influences and experiences have limited our expectations and painted a picture of how we see ourselves, which we now have become. The expectations have victimized our habitual habits.

Think of your brain as a computer where everything functions through. Your mind is the mainframe and memory function of your computer or key components; the functioning tools so to speak. Well this functioning tool, your mind is the center of consciousness that generates thoughts, feelings, ideas, perception, personality, emotions, knowledge and memory.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reclaim Your Brain

Life as you know it is a gift in itself. We often aren’t aware or acknowledge how amazing our lives are even when its starring us right in the face. For many of us we repeat every day as it’s the same, with the same thoughts, beliefs and actions. Most of us aren’t creating the results we want because we are unaware of how to change our habitual thought patterns. We are like walking zombies in our own fog hoping for the crack in the door to open a little. Even if the door opens will you even notice it or continue to do what you’ve been doing all along? Isn’t it time to wake up and live life to it’s fullest?

It’s time to start living not surviving! Who you are and what you have done with your life up to this point is going to end beginning today. What counts now is your understanding of the core of yourself and embracing it. You were given this life with purpose- don’t waste it. We have been blessed with a magnificent mind, which is our strongest and most powerful function. It creates everything in our world with the likes of love, romance, happiness, desires, success, money, dreams and an abundance of joy.

Imagine waking up everyday knowing you’re in complete control of your thoughts, actions, beliefs, feelings, thus living your life without giving in to the dead ends, barriers and defeats of everyday living. Imagine what it would be like if your dreams became a tangible reality that you can feel, smell, touch and see- not a delusional thought that habitual patterns in our subconscious mind has led us to believe. This is the time to stop imagining and start creating your internal mind to achieve its greatness.

Everyone at some time or another has felt they were entitled to a great life, and felt they were special; that they were going to make a difference in their world. We are all special beings with special qualities and gifts but we aren’t aware of how to use them or forgot we even have them. Life in one way or another has beaten us down leaving us indecisive and not sure of anything anymore. Here’s a news flash: just because we exist doesn’t mean we are entitled to everything we desire… things aren’t served to us on a silver platter. How are we supposed to exist if we aren’t allowing our existence be known? Why have we let the external world program our internal world? This is hogwash! It is because we haven’t mastered our minds with awareness. The only person responsible for any shortcomings or success is you and you only. I don’t mean success monetarily but abundance in every facet of your life.

It is time to reclaim your brain and get back what is rightfully yours since birth. This is a rebirth in the making- cleanse your soul- transform into the being you always knew you could be. Quiet your mind and inner core and join me on this journey. Your destinations will become endless realities.